I'm gonna do a little "Calender" for y'all to get a better vision of how time went by for us =)
16 February: All 3 meet for the first time.
May: Voldemort tells us about the TH interwiev.
(Around) 20 June: Tingeling is in Malmö to be with us.
24-29 July: Tingeling comes down for the second time. Voldemort tries to kill herself mulitply times. This is when we cry in the grass in the middle of the night and also when we are at Hugo Åbergs and take modellpictures.
26 August: I text with Bill for the first time.
27 August: I go to Stockholm.
28 August: Voldemort comes to Stockholm.
29 August: Bill and Tom comes to Stockholm. Bill calls me on my cellphone. Same night we are looking for them all over Stockholm until Bill has a little "accident" and we diss them. They go home but will come back.
31 August: Voldemort fights with Tom. He cut her off his life.
2 September: Voldemort and Tom are friends again.
3 September: We find out Tokio Hotel is coming to Sweden.
8 September: Tokio Hotel are in Stockholm!
9 September: Me and Voldemort goes home.
13 September: VMA in NYC.
19 September: Bill is outside my house.
21 September: Voldemort meets Gustav at Bill and Toms house.
5 November: EMA
31 December: New Years Eve at the Devils Resident (Voldemort)
This is how far I am in the story =)
//Deatheater ll
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