Jag åker ner och ska bo hos henne igen och gud hjälp mig varför gjorde det?! Jag var väl i någon slags trans just då.. Dagen innan (jag åkte ner den 26 juli och loppet skulle ske 28 juli samma dag som vi skulle åka) så den 27 juli åker vi in till stan för att jag ville köpa ett block och en penna för att skriva upp lite.. Då fick vi reda på att troligen att vi skulle få åka ner nu till Tyskland! Jag och min vän hoppar av glädje och ler stort mot henne.. Vi sätter oss på en trappa och hon berättar att vi...:
* Vi ska få åka till LA direkt efter Tyskland.
* En lägenhet i Detroit + likadana glasögon som tvillingarna har på sig från en photoshoot från samma ställe.
Sen så bestämmer vi oss för att åka trampbåt, så vi betalar och hoppar i. Då berättar hon också att vi...:
* Ska få åka till Italien med killarna..
Vi är sen klara och det är dags för att åka hem till Tezz. När vi står vid busshållplatsen så säger hon att vi ska åka hem till henne tidigare för att hon ska fixa en grej vid centralen.. Vi ville verkligen inte lämna henne då hon försökt ta självmord när hon blivit lämnad själv förut och stuckit iväg såhär.
Vad hon lovat oss hittils:
Jag skulle dela rum med Bill/Tom
*Äta middag med Bill/Tom (Visst fan vill dom äta middag med främlingar)
*Vara modell för en photoshoot tillsammans med tvillingarna.
*Samla ihop kläder i etc gratis i ett köpcentrum som pappan ägde, i ett race.
*Tävla i simning med Tokio Hotel.
* Vi skulle spela in en låt..
* Vara modeller för ett finnmedel.
* Vara modeller på deutschrock.
*Gå på hotellets spa med tvillingarna. (Radisson blue i Berlin)
//Dödsätare l
I packed my things to go down to Malmo again, this time to check on a large Swedish trotting races .. Days before it had Tezz told that her friend had died and she was not sure if we were to go down to Germany now, because she was at the funeral the same day .. It had been so that's just me, my soul mate and Tezz would go and thanks O God for that no 12 year olds would .. I was so pissed when she said that there would be something that I threw the hook in the ear of her .. But anyway so I pack down my passport and something a little nicer clothes, for he knew it not with her, she could well have changed his mind.
I go down and will stay with her again, and god help me, why did it! I was well in any kind of transport at that moment .. The day before (I went down on 26 July and the race would take place July 28 on the day we were leaving) so July 27, we go into town because I wanted to buy a pad and a pen to write up a bit .. Then we found out that probably we would have to go down now to Germany! Me and my friend jumping for joy and smiles widely at her .. We sit on the stairs and she tells us ...:
* We will get to go to LA right after Germany.
* An apartment in Detroit + like glasses that the twins are wearing from a photo shoot from the same place.
* We will get to go to LA right after Germany.
* An apartment in Detroit + like glasses that the twins are wearing from a photo shoot from the same place.
Then so we decide to go peddle boats, so we pay and jump in. Then she tells us that we are :
* Must be able to go to Italy with the guys ..
We are then ready and it's time to go home to Tezz. As we stand at the bus stop so she says that we should go home to her past for her to fix one thing at the center .. We really wanted to leave her when she tried to suicide when she was surrendered himself before and gone away like this.
We are then ready and it's time to go home to Tezz. As we stand at the bus stop so she says that we should go home to her past for her to fix one thing at the center .. We really wanted to leave her when she tried to suicide when she was surrendered himself before and gone away like this.
As she promised us so far:
* I would share a room with Bill / Tom
* Eat dinner with Bill / Tom (Sure the hell do they eat dinner with strangers)
* Be a model for a photo shoot with the twins.
* Gather up clothes etc for free in a shopping center as the father was, in a race.
* Compete in Swimming with Tokio Hotel.
* We would record a song ..
* Be models for a sole agent.
* Be models deutsch rock.
* Go on-site spa with twins. (Radisson blues in Berlin)
* I would share a room with Bill / Tom
* Eat dinner with Bill / Tom (Sure the hell do they eat dinner with strangers)
* Be a model for a photo shoot with the twins.
* Gather up clothes etc for free in a shopping center as the father was, in a race.
* Compete in Swimming with Tokio Hotel.
* We would record a song ..
* Be models for a sole agent.
* Be models deutsch rock.
* Go on-site spa with twins. (Radisson blues in Berlin)
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