torsdag 30 juni 2011

English version.

We are two girls who run this blog under alias names.
Deatheater one/Tingeling and Deatheater two/Angel.

Two years ago, in february 2009, we met a girl named Therese but we use her alias name instead, Voldemort, cuz it fits her better =)

We met through Tokio Hotel online before we met irl.

Today we who run this blog are best friends and we want to share our story about our friendship with Voldemort.

If you readers check our categories >>> separately and scroll to/read from the begining instead of backwards, we'll tell you about different times when we all three spent time from start to finish.

Category "Deatheater one" is out of Tinglings point of view and "Deatheaters two" is from Angels view.

But back to Therese or Voldemort as we say now. We met her and she is a typical Tokio Hotel Fan.. energetic, woozy and LOUD girl that drinks Coca Cola as wather and dress like a hobo.
After a few months she vomits out that she is a really, really, really close friend of Tom and that he started to fall inlove with Tingeling. (Deatheather one !)
Tom wanted to met her and talk with her in the phone =)
Then Bill fell inlove with Angel when he saw a picture of her (Deatheater two and Angel is his nickname to her which you'll know if you've read from start)

So this blog is the story about Voldemort making sure we four met and stay happy for the rest of our lives jadda, jadda..

Voldemort made all this up! She doesn't know the twins.
That's the point of this blog cuz she is still out there.. fooling other girls that she knows them and can hook them up. Just so she can keep her friends.

She is mental ill.

And if you still dont get it. comment =)

3 kommentarer:

Josefin Borgman sa...

Svar: haha, ja, min kusins halvsyster (de är inte riktiga systers, hennes halvsysters pappa är tillsammans med min kusins mamma) påstår att hennes mamma har känt och umgåtts med Bills och Toms mamma (: Om det är sant, så är det coolt och synd att de inte längre har kontakt. Är det falskt, så .. är det synd det med XD

Elina sa...

Svar: Tack för att du sa till! <3 Sprang nyss och köpte tidningen, haha! :)

Elina sa...

Tyvärr fanns inte den här jag är, inte ens vanliga FRIDA. >_> Tror du att du skulle kunna ta bilder och skicka? :p Vore snällt isåfall. ^_^ <3